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production aids competition come to an end

Asian University "production aids" competition come to an end

Physical aids, computer-aided teaching software groups, 18 award-winning teacher, to issue bonus 100,000 yuan!

    Asian University 105 annual "production aids" contest ended successfully, "entity Aids" and "computer-aided teaching software," the two groups a total of 18 award-winning teacher, teaching aids entity group consisting Education Center Zhao Lai Yin teacher in the "punch line, storytellers, who" won, computer assisted instruction software group to the Department of biotechnology applied to keep good teachers in the "interactive learning APP biological experiments" won the first prize, each awarded 15,000 scholarships; organizers awarded of 10 million in prize money, a form of encouragement.

    Professor Huei-Chen Ko (a concurrent post held by the vice president) pointed out that the competition aims to encourage teachers to produce a variety of teaching aids to enrich the teaching content, improve teaching performance, after the trial session, "entities aids" by innovative, visual effects, ease of use enhance learning motivation four named; and "computer-aided teaching software" group is based on innovation, quality, refinement, application convenience, enhance learning motivation four selection; aids selected entity class 14; computer assisted instruction software class 4 reward.

    Selection results, the entity class teaching aids, first: Education Center teacher Lai Chao Yin "the punch line, storytellers, who" was awarded 15,000 yuan, second: Department of Lu Huiping teacher "into the interactive design of Visual Communication order application "won 12,000 yuan, and the third: Health department of Zhang Xiaojun teacher's" B-ISLAND "won 1 million, the fourth named Yang Ting Ying department of Psychology teachers' sales King" won eight thousand dollars, the fifth Lin Qing Hui teacher named fashion line "detachable pants sewn learning pop-up book" won the 5,000, masterpiece, there are interior design Zhan Rong Xuan teacher "classic furniture reproduction," social work south Yufen teachers' drug life an idea between "fashion Department Linqing Mei's" latest spring and summer 2017 fashion trends imagery board ", etc. 9 works, each received 1300 yuan.

    It is worth mentioning that the Lai Lai Chao Yin teacher of "wit, storyteller, who" aids, is in line with board games cards card, draw the spirit of the game, the trump card into the curriculum, combined flipped classroom teaching strategies that teachers in the use of cards card same time, enhance the effectiveness of teaching. To make the license card, students must re-read the assigned text within a cell, not only for course materials more familiar, but also a better grasp of the text effect.

    As for the computer-assisted teaching software category, first place: Health department raising Shi Jia teacher "Interactive Learning APP biological experiments" won 10,005, second: mobile commerce and multimedia applications, the Department of Lin Zhihao teacher "lined puzzle - game-based teaching software "won the 10,002 yuan, the third flip Education Center as literature teacher Lai Yin Chao", flip your life "was awarded $ 10,000 masterpiece is the information Engineering Chen Xingzhong teacher the "basic concepts of information security eBooks" won 1300 yuan. Among them, Yang Shi Jia won the first prize of the teacher is the use of "augmented reality" can virtual information (APP) and the reality (textbooks) combined, and students use the most convenient access to the vehicle, such as a mobile phone or tablet, etc., with user-friendly operation interface, to serve Lee learners 3D human-machine interactive learning, it is the new trend of the digital age in the future.

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Photo:The first group of entities with teaching aids, General Education Center Lai Yin Zhao teacher (left), assistant funded parampara Wang Ting Ya students (right) and "punch, storytellers, people" design aids.


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Photo:Computer aided teaching software classes to biotech Department Shi Yang Jia teacher in "interactive learning APP biological experiments" won the first prize.


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Photo:Aids entity classes to general education teacher at the center of Lai Chao Yin "the punch line, storytellers, who" won the first prize.