Sustainability Strategy(2024)

  • 2024-06-27
  • Fan-Ting Li
Sustainability Strategy Sustainability Strategy

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Time: From


This course explores sustainability from the perspective of a multi-national corporation. We will provide a number of exemplars in various industries to show how they have applied sustainability tools to their businesses.
There will be publicly-traded companies, and so there will be links provided to various forms of information for you to compare and contrast as we move through the semester.
Information will be presented from academic research, white papers published by respected scholars and experts, and the actual disclosures of major multi-national companies.
Sustainability officers and other sustainability professionals will serve as guest speakers throughout the class.
The case studies are utilized to provide a participative and realistic forum that enables students to learn about sustainability while also developing the skills to use the information.

#英語授課(EMI,English as a Medium Instruction)

Course Objective

  • Understand the business case for corporate sustainability, including sustainability as a driver of strategy, innovation and profit
  • Focus on making sustainability part of the corporate fabric – its mission and vision - and not a separate silo within the corporation
  • Develop skills using your sustainability knowledge by actually participating in the development of a sustainability management system for a virtual corporation
  • Experience the need to address stakeholder interests, including government, NGOs and trade associations, while balancing between all three responsibilities involved in sustainability (economic, environmental, and social)
  • Develop competencies that will enable you to contribute to a sustainability management system, including metrics and reporting, accountability and transparency
  • Understand the importance of marketing, stewardship and product design; supply chain management; and internal and external communication
  • See how perspectives on sustainability vary across the globe with the participation of our distance learners
  • Develop critical writing skills including citation referencing that will prepare you for scholarly writing


簡均宇老師 Prof. Chun-Yu Chien

 Prof. Chien is currently an associate professor in the Department of Business Administration and got Ph. D. program in Department of Business Aministration, Asia University. Her mian research fields are strategy, innovation management, marketing, and sustainable management.

Course Schedule

Unit 1:Introduction to Sustainability strategies

Unit 2:Stakeholder Engagemen

Unit 3:Regulatory compliance

Unit 4:Environmental Responsibility

Unit 5:期中考Midterm exam

Unit 6:Social Responsibility

Unit 7:Economic Responsibility

Unit 8:Supply chain management

Unit 9:Corporate footprint

Unit 10:期末考Final exam

Grading Policy

Midterm exam:35%
Final exam:35%

Passing Criteria

Course Passing Grade:60 Full Score 100 point

Course Suggest

Sustainablity Management by Dr. Deb Prasanna Choudhury (2019)
ISBN Print Book 978-93-87456-60-0
ISBN eBook 978-93-87456-61-7