Green Marketing and Management (2024 Summer Class)

  • 2024-06-26
  • Fan-Ting Li
Green Marketing and Management Green Marketing and Management
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The course content mainly introduces the theoretical concepts and practical cases of green marketing orientation, the evolution of marketing concepts, and the meaning and steps of marketing strategy planning. Learn the basic concepts and practices of modern marketing so that you can apply them in various industries in the future.
Course objectives
The purpose of the course is to teach students various marketing principles, concepts, knowledge and execution skills, understand the role of marketing planning in the business market, and practice writing marketing plans.

Teacher Bai Zhensheng

Teacher Profile
1. Asia University Corporate Economics and Strategy PhD Candidate
2. ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems Auditor
3. ISO 14064-1: 2018 Greenhouse Gas Organization Lead Verifier
4. ISO 14064-2: 2019 Greenhouse Gas Project Verifier and Verifier
5.ISO 14067: 2018 Product Carbon Footprint Leading Verifier

Course Schedule
Unit 1: Introduction to Marketing and Analysis of Marketing Environment
Unit 2: Green Consumption Behavior
Unit 3: Market Segmentation, Target Markets and Positioning
Unit 4:4P-Product Strategy
Unit 5: Midterm exam
Unit 6:4P-Pricing Strategy
Unit 7:4P-Pathway Strategy
Unit 8:4P-Promotion Strategy
Unit 9: Final Exam

Regular tests: accounting for 30% of the total score
Midterm exam: accounts for 30% of the total grade
Final exam: 40% of total grade

pass standard
Course passing standard: 60 points. Full score: 100 points.

Suggested Bibliography
1. Marketing management: theoretical analysis and practical application. 2020.
2. Marketing management practice case analysis. 2020.