Introduction to Public Health

  • 2024-06-26
  • Fan-Ting Li
Introduction to Public Health Introduction to Public Health
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This course provides students with basic concepts of public health and enables them to understand the past, present and future development and current practices of public health, including infectious diseases, occupational diseases, environmental health and mental health, medical ethics, health care for vulnerable groups, etc. issues, and trends in the impact of environmental and social changes on public health. Using the teacher's teaching method, asynchronous distance teaching is adopted, and combined with some course assignments, in-class tests and discussions, public health current affairs cases are used to guide students to review and collect relevant information and think about their impact on public health.

Course Objective
1. Students can understand the basic concepts of public health and understand common public health issues
2. Students can collect relevant information that affects public health.
3. Students can analyze the impact of public health issues on human health and put forward their thoughts and opinions.


Teacher Hong Huirong

Teacher Profile

Ms. Hong Huirong is an assistant professor and career mentor at the Department of Nursing, School of Nursing, Asia University. She graduated from the Department of Nursing and the master's program at Kaohsiung Medical University. She has served as a clinical nurse in the tumor ward and endocrinology ward of Chung Ho Memorial Hospital affiliated to Kaohsiung Medical University, Dali Renai. He supervises the medical, surgical and obstetrics and pediatrics wards of the hospital nursing department, and serves as a clinical instructor at the private Meihe Technical College and the Department of Nursing of China Medical University, leading nursing students to practice in medical and surgical wards, obstetrics and pediatrics wards, health centers and other units. In 2005, while teaching at the Department of Nursing at China Medical University, he participated in the smoke prevention seed teacher training commissioned by the National Health Bureau of the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan and the Oncology Nursing Society of the Republic of China and obtained a certificate of qualification. Afterwards, he studied in the doctoral class of the Department of Public Health of China Medical University. He graduated in 2018 and began to be employed as a teacher in the Department of Nursing of Ajou University. He is currently in charge of teaching basic nursing, introduction to nursing administration, community health nursing and practice, and introduction to public health. Teacher, specializing in oncology and medical and surgical nursing, women's health, tobacco damage prevention and community health nursing.
Teacher Peng Yituan

Teacher Profile

Teacher Peng Yitang graduated with a doctorate from the Nursing Group of the Institute of Medical Sciences of Tzu Chi University. She has past clinical experience as an emergency room nurse and a surgical specialist nurse. She currently teaches as an assistant professor at the School of Nursing at Ajou University. Her teaching and research fields include: nursing education, situational nursing Realistic teaching and smart nursing technology are introduced into teaching. In the 108 and 110 academic years, I received the Teaching Practice Project Grant from the Ministry of Education. While teaching at Asia University, he won the 109th Academic Year Teaching Excellence Award and the Service-Learning Connotation Course-Service Teaching Excellence Award, the 110th Academic Year Innovative Teaching Method-Exceptional Award, and the 111th Academic Year Asia University Sustainable Development Promotion and Social Responsibility Practice Outstanding Teacher prize. He has guided students to participate in the Asia University Independent Learning Community Competition and the 2022 Asia University Green Life Proposal Competition many times and achieved excellent results. Currently, he has guided three graduate students to complete their master's thesis and written special books on medical terminology and acute care.
Teacher Jing Yongjie

Teacher Profile

Teacher Jing Yongjie is an assistant professor in the post-baccalaureate nursing department of Ajou University School of Nursing. She once served as a public nurse in the Psychiatric Ward of the Hospital Affiliated to the National Taiwan University School of Medicine. She also went to the UK to study and obtained a bachelor's degree from the National University of Nottingham. Master's Diploma in Nursing and National University of Sheffield (Sheffield
Hallam University) and completed the doctoral thesis during the doctoral research period with a research design that combined quality but focused on qualitative research. After returning from his studies, he served as an assistant professor in the Department of Nursing, School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University, teaching psychiatric nursing. At the same time, he was jointly employed as the head nurse of teaching and research in the Nursing Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Taipei Medical University, where he accumulated clinical and administrative experience. After that, he returned to his hometown of Taichung and taught in the Department of Nursing at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. During his tenure, he guided five graduate students to complete their master's degrees. They all used qualitative research as their main research focus to implement research plans and write master's thesis. Beginning in the 109 academic year, he was appointed to the post-baccalaureate nursing department of Ajou University as the director and main teacher of the "Qualitative Research" course for the nursing master's class at the School of Nursing. He continued to promote and publicize the characteristics of qualitative research and explore the mysteries of human experience.

Course Schedule

Unit 1: Introduction to public health and current situation in Taiwan
Unit 2: Development and evolution of public health at home and abroad
Unit 3: Occurrence and detection of infectious diseases
Unit 4: Environmental health and climate change
Unit 5: Occupational diseases and occupational safety
Unit 6:Public Mental Health
Unit 7: Medical Sociology and Medical Ethics
Unit 8: Health inequality and health care for disadvantaged groups

Grading Policy
Daily tests and discussions: accounting for 20% of the total grade
Scores after watching the weekly lesson videos and completing the quizzes and discussion questions.
Daily homework: accounting for 20% of the total grade
Complete two reflections on public health-related issues based on the course videos and the literature provided.
Midterm exam: accounts for 30% of the total grade
The mid-term online test covers the content of the first to fourth weeks of class.
Final exam: 30% of total grade
The final online test covers the content of classes in weeks 5 to 8.

Passing Criteria
Course Passing Grade:60 Full Score 100 points


This course requires no background knowledge and is suitable for all learners who are interested in public health.

Course Suggest
Xu Yixin, Huang Yaohui, Xue Chengtai, Song Hongzhang, Pan Wenhan, Yang Yixin, Jin Chuanchun, Qiu Hongyi, Zhang Wuxiu, Hu Shuzhen, Yao Zhenhua, Chen Xiuxian, Hou Jialing, Huang Lianhua, Chen Huizi, Jiang Zhijun, Kang Zhaozhou, Huang Wenhong, Zhang Leqi,... Lin Mingwei (2016). Public Health (Fifth Edition), reviewed by Qiu Qinghua. Huaxing.

Wang Rongde, Jiang Dongliang, Chen Weijian, Zhan Changquan et al. (2020). Public Health (Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 2) (revised fifth edition). Chen Gongbei Preventive Medicine Foundation.

Liu Mingde, Huang Jiancai, Huang Shulun, Lu Yunlin, Lin Chuanxiong, Jian Lingzhu, Xue Sujun, Huang Ruizhen, Zhuang Defeng, Feng Jing'an, Ouyang Wenzhen (2021). Introduction to Public Health (Seventh Edition). Wagner.

Detels, R., Karim, Q. A., Baum, F., Li, L. & Leyland, A. H. (2021). Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health (7th). Oxford University Press.